A Commitment to Education

Education is our mission. Through our commitment to our chosen field, we want to enable people to nurture their individual skills and talents, take charge of their lives, and play a constructive role in their community.

The companies within the Klett Group face the daily challenge of supporting all those seeking to further their own education or get involved in society’s complex and diverse education processes in a teaching role. Our efforts are all about ensuring the quality of the products and services we provide. To achieve this aim, we follow the principle of decentralised organisation: Our companies in Germany and other countries know what their respective customers need and work to come up with the right offerings to meet them.

We do our best to ensure education succeeds.


Education is not a condition, but a process – one in which every one of us develops throughout our lives. Any company dedicated to education must view its work from this perspective. Based on well over 100 years of experience and four generations of family-run management (and counting), we believe our company is in a unique position to advance this field. Whether in printed or digital school media and lesson-planning materials; attendance-based universities or distance-learning institutions; or crèches, kindergartens, or schools – we do our best to ensure education succeeds.

Education is essential to democracy

For societies in the 21st century, virtually nothing is more important than education. Indeed, it is a crucial factor of success in every person's life and career. The quality of the education a society provides is thus also key to its economic future. And finally, education is one of the main aspects that will determine whether our democratic societies are capable of developing their liberal, open-minded communities into places that offer a high quality of life to as many people as possible, and whether they confront the opponents of and challenges to this mindset with conviction.

The Klett Group, along with all its companies and employees, seeks to bring its own capabilities, expertise, and passion to bear to strengthen education in all the places we operate – to the benefit of each individual and our society as a whole.
